Wellingborough Grammar School
Speech and Prize Giving Day with guest David Frost O.B.E.

Monday October 9th 1972

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Contact: schoolplays@hotmail.com

Earlier that day...


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(John Freestone)

(WGS Magazine)

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(WGS Scrapbooks)
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1 2 Giovanni Carrea 3 4 Iwan Davies
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5 6 7 8
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9 10 11 12
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13 14 Steve Andrews 15 16
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17 Martin Banham 18 19 20
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21 22 23 24
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25 26 27 28
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29 30 31 32
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33 David Bamford 34 35 Chunky Pine
(Adjusting the microphone)
36 Sean Yeo
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37 Ernie Huddart
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(Photos 1 to 35 inc and bottom row ©Phil Smart)