"Zigger Zagger"

Written by Peter Terson
Produced by Mr M.K.Wright and Mr G.B.Dean

Tuesday December 8th to Friday December 11th 1970

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(WGS Magazine)

Phil Smart: I believe that this was the first play that I was involved in as one of the Assistant Sound Engineers. At one point in the play there is an off-stage, behind the scenes, punch up. It fell to us to set this up. It was decided that rather than have a recording we'd do it live. We found as many bits and pieces that we could lay our hands on that when banged and bashed together would make a din. Then at the appropriate moment the sound and lighting guys threw all this stuff about in a very confined space just by the lighting control panel. One item was a metal milk bottle carrier which in the ensuing madness someone got their foot stuck in and went flying. We all just creased up with laughter and couldn't continue. We had to stifle our mirth when the on-stage performance continued and that was very difficult!

Another memory is the huge temporary lights mentioned in the magazine report. Between December 7th and 14th 1970 Britain suffered a week of power cuts caused by power station workers' industrial action. Unfortunately these cuts coincided with the school play.

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