"Four Plays"

"On Board the Golden Hind", Written by L.Parker, Produced by Mr Findley

"Wireless and Sich Like", Written by F.A.Hyde, Produced by Dr A.Jackson

"The Police Court", Written by R.Arkell, Produced by Mr Wintersgill

"The Thread o'Scarlet", Written by J.J.Bell, produced by Dr A.Jackson

Summer Term 1944

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(Memories of WGS)

Second row down, fourth from the right is Keith Tompkins, who appeared in "The Police Court" as Christopher Columbus. Keith was born in 1928 and started at WGS in 1940. He went on to become an Architect and was well known in Wellingborough. He was a member of Wellingborough Round Table and Rotary Club and became the Chairman of Wellingborough Pantomime Society, over-seeing their first production, "Aladdin", in January 1968. Further pantomimes followed and he also appeared in Wellingborough Operatic Society productions. He was a keen Old Grammarian and singer and could be found with fellow troubadours at Christmas regaling the customers at the Oxford Street HQ with hearty carols.

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(WGS Magazine)
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